SAS offers specifically designed packages of instructor lead courses that are tailored to the requirements of individual certification tracks. But if these excellent training resources are beyond your budget, there are still other options. One can practically prepare for the certification exam just by reading paper published in different SAS conference. Majority of the papers given below will cover the topics tested by certification exam and might give more information than required. It’s always good to be over prepared than under prepared.
Accessing Data | |
Use FORMATTED, LIST and COLUMN input to read raw data files | The Power of SAS! Input Statements: Imelda C. Go |
Use INFILE statement options to control processing when reading raw data files | The SAS INFILE and FILE Statements: Steven First |
Use various components of an INPUT statement to process raw data files including column and line pointer controls, and trailing @ controls | The Input Statement: Where It's @ : Ronald Cody |
Combine SAS data sets using the DATA step | Get it together: Combining data with SAS® MERGE, UPDATE, and SET : Mel Widawski |
Creating Data Structures | |
Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets | A Hands-On Introduction to SAS® DATA Step Programming :Debbie Buck |
Create and manipulate SAS date values | Looking for a Date? A Tutorial on Using SAS® Dates and Times: Arthur L. Carpenter |
Use DATA Step statements to export data to standard and comma delimited raw data files | The Little SAS Book – Chapter 9 Exporting Your Data. |
Control which observations and variables in a SAS data set are processed and output | Programming with the KEEP, RENAME, and DROP Data Set Options: Stephen Philp WHERE vs. IF Statements: Knowing the Difference in How and When to Apply: Sunil Gupta |
Managing Data | |
Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures | PROC CONTENTS and DATASETS from SAS Documentation. |
Sort observations in a SAS data set | The SORT Procedure: Beyond the Basics: Britta Kelsey Bassett |
Conditionally execute SAS statements | UTILIZING CONDITIONAL LOGIC TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY: Karla E. Atwell |
Use assignment statements in the DATA step | How SAS Thinks : Neil Howard |
Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step | SAS®'s Various Varying Variables, or 1000+ Ways to Manipulate SAS Variables: Paul A. Choate |
Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements | The Power of the BY Statement: Paul Choate |
Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values | An Introduction to SAS Function-ality: Deb Cassidy |
Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa | INPUT and PUT function from SAS Documentations. |
Process data using DO LOOPS | Do Which? Loop, Until or While? A Review Of Data Step And Macro Algorithms: Ronald J. Fehd |
Process data using SAS arrays | Arrays Made Easy: An Introduction to Arrays and Array Processing: Steve First and Teresa Schudrowitz, |
Generating Reports | |
Generate list reports using the PRINT and REPORT procedures | A Gentle Introduction to the Powerful REPORT Procedure: Ben Cochran |
Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures | Proc FREQ –What's it really good for? Theresa Gordon and Monique Eleby |
Enhance reports through the use of labels, SAS formats, user-defined formats, titles, footnotes and SAS System reporting options | SAS Documentation on following topics: Label statement/ dataset option, label option in proc print, title and footnote statement and proc report options like headline, headskip etc. |
Generate HTML reports using ODS statements | Creating HTML Output with Output Delivery System Kirk Paul Lafler |
Handling Errors | |
Identify and resolve programming logic errors | Errors, Warnings, and Notes (Oh My) A Practical Guide to Debugging SAS Programs Susan J. Slaughter and Lora D. Delwiche |
Recognize and correct syntax errors | |
Examine and resolve data errors |