The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
set sasuser.employees;
if 2 le years_service le 10 then
amount = 1000;
else if years_service gt 10 then
amount = 2000;
amount = 0;
amount_per_year = years_service / amount;
Which one of the following values does the variable AMOUNT_PER_YEAR contain if an employee has been with the company for
one year?
A. 0
B. 1000
C. 2000
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS Certification Questions and important concepts needed to ace the exams.
Base SAS 2
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
set sasuser.employees;
if 2 le years_service le 10 then
amount = 1000;
else if years_service gt 10 then
amount = 2000;
amount = 0;
amount_per_year = years_service / amount;
Which one of the following values does the variable AMOUNT_PER_YEAR contain if an employee has been with the company for
one year?
A. 0
B. 1000
C. 2000
D. . (missing numeric value)
Click Comment link to get answer
data test;
set sasuser.employees;
if 2 le years_service le 10 then
amount = 1000;
else if years_service gt 10 then
amount = 2000;
amount = 0;
amount_per_year = years_service / amount;
Which one of the following values does the variable AMOUNT_PER_YEAR contain if an employee has been with the company for
one year?
A. 0
B. 1000
C. 2000
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS 3
The contents of the raw data file AMOUNT are listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'amount';
input @1 salary 6.;
if _error_ then description = 'Problems';
else description = 'No Problems';
Which one of the following is the value of the DESCRIPTION variable?
A. Problems
B. No Problems
C. ' ' (missing character value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'amount';
input @1 salary 6.;
if _error_ then description = 'Problems';
else description = 'No Problems';
Which one of the following is the value of the DESCRIPTION variable?
A. Problems
B. No Problems
C. ' ' (missing character value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 4
The contents of the raw data file NAMENUM are listed below:
Joe xx
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'namenum';
input name $ number;
Which one of the following is the value of the NUMBER variable?
A. xx
B. Joe
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Joe xx
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'namenum';
input name $ number;
Which one of the following is the value of the NUMBER variable?
A. xx
B. Joe
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 5
The contents of the raw data file AMOUNT are listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'amount';
input @1 salary 6.;
Which one of the following is the value of the SALARY variable?
A. 1234
B. 1,234
C. $1,234
D. . (missing numeric value)Click Comment link to get answer
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'amount';
input @1 salary 6.;
Which one of the following is the value of the SALARY variable?
A. 1234
B. 1,234
C. $1,234
D. . (missing numeric value)Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 6
Which one of the following statements is true regarding the SAS automatic _ERROR_ variable?
A. The _ERROR_ variable contains the values 'ON' or 'OFF'.
B. The _ERROR_ variable contains the values 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
C. The _ERROR_ variable is automatically stored in the resulting SAS data set.
D. The _ERROR_ variable can be used in expressions or calculations in the DATA step.
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A. The _ERROR_ variable contains the values 'ON' or 'OFF'.
B. The _ERROR_ variable contains the values 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
C. The _ERROR_ variable is automatically stored in the resulting SAS data set.
D. The _ERROR_ variable can be used in expressions or calculations in the DATA step.
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Base SAS 7
Which one of the following is true when SAS encounters a data error in a DATA step?
A. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error, and no SAS data set is created.
B. A note is written to the SAS log explaining the error, and the DATA step continues to execute.
C. A note appears in the SAS log that the incorrect data record was saved to a separate SAS file for further examination.
D. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error, and the resulting DATA set contains observations up to that point.
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A. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error, and no SAS data set is created.
B. A note is written to the SAS log explaining the error, and the DATA step continues to execute.
C. A note appears in the SAS log that the incorrect data record was saved to a separate SAS file for further examination.
D. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error, and the resulting DATA set contains observations up to that point.
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Base SAS 8
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.totalsales (keep = monthsales{12} );
set work.monthlysales (keep = year product sales);
array monthsales {12} ;
do i=1 to 12;
monthsales{i} = sales;
The data set named WORK.MONTHLYSALES has one observation per month for each of five years for a total of 60 observations.
Which one of the following is the result of the above program?
A. The program fails execution due to data errors.
B. The program fails execution due to syntax errors.
C. The program executes with warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set.
D. The program executes without errors or warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set.
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data work.totalsales (keep = monthsales{12} );
set work.monthlysales (keep = year product sales);
array monthsales {12} ;
do i=1 to 12;
monthsales{i} = sales;
The data set named WORK.MONTHLYSALES has one observation per month for each of five years for a total of 60 observations.
Which one of the following is the result of the above program?
A. The program fails execution due to data errors.
B. The program fails execution due to syntax errors.
C. The program executes with warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set.
D. The program executes without errors or warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set.
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Base SAS 9
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.totalsales;
set work.monthlysales(keep = year product sales);
retain monthsales {12} ;
array monthsales {12} ;
do i = 1 to 12;
monthsales{i} = sales;
cnt + 1;
monthsales{cnt} = sales;
The data set named WORK.MONTHLYSALES has one observation per month for each of five years for a total of 60 observations.
Which one of the following is the result of the above program?
A. The program fails execution due to data errors.
B. The program fails execution due to syntax errors.
C. The program runs with warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set with 60 observations.
D. The program runs without errors or warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set with 60 observations.Click Comment link to get answer
data work.totalsales;
set work.monthlysales(keep = year product sales);
retain monthsales {12} ;
array monthsales {12} ;
do i = 1 to 12;
monthsales{i} = sales;
cnt + 1;
monthsales{cnt} = sales;
The data set named WORK.MONTHLYSALES has one observation per month for each of five years for a total of 60 observations.
Which one of the following is the result of the above program?
A. The program fails execution due to data errors.
B. The program fails execution due to syntax errors.
C. The program runs with warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set with 60 observations.
D. The program runs without errors or warnings and creates the WORK.TOTALSALES data set with 60 observations.Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 10
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.january;
set work.allmonths (keep = product month num_sold cost);
if month = 'Jan' then output work.january;
sales = cost * num_sold;
keep = product sales;
Which variables does the WORK.JANUARY data set contain?
D. An incomplete output data set is created due to syntax errors.
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data work.january;
set work.allmonths (keep = product month num_sold cost);
if month = 'Jan' then output work.january;
sales = cost * num_sold;
keep = product sales;
Which variables does the WORK.JANUARY data set contain?
D. An incomplete output data set is created due to syntax errors.
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Base SAS 11
The contents of the raw data file CALENDAR are listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'calendar';
input @1 date mmddyy10.;
if date = '01012000'd then event = 'January 1st';
Which one of the following is the value of the EVENT variable?
A. 01012000
B. January 1st
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.Click Comment link to get answer
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'calendar';
input @1 date mmddyy10.;
if date = '01012000'd then event = 'January 1st';
Which one of the following is the value of the EVENT variable?
A. 01012000
B. January 1st
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 12
A SAS program is submitted and the following SAS log is produced:
2 data gt100;
3 set ia.airplanes
4 if mpg gt 100 then output;
22 202
ERROR: File WORK.IF.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.MPG.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.GT.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.THEN.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.OUTPUT.DATA does not exist.
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name,
a quoted string, (, ;, END, KEY, KEYS, NOBS, OPEN, POINT, _DATA_, _LAST_, _NULL_.
ERROR 202-322: The option or parameter is not recognized and will be ignored.
5 run;
The IA libref was previously assigned in this SAS session.
Which one of the following corrects the errors in the LOG?
A. Delete the word THEN on the IF statement.
B. Add a semicolon at the end of the SET statement.
C. Place quotes around the value on the IF statement.
D. Add an END statement to conclude the IF statement.
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2 data gt100;
3 set ia.airplanes
4 if mpg gt 100 then output;
22 202
ERROR: File WORK.IF.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.MPG.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.GT.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.THEN.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK.OUTPUT.DATA does not exist.
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name,
a quoted string, (, ;, END, KEY, KEYS, NOBS, OPEN, POINT, _DATA_, _LAST_, _NULL_.
ERROR 202-322: The option or parameter is not recognized and will be ignored.
5 run;
The IA libref was previously assigned in this SAS session.
Which one of the following corrects the errors in the LOG?
A. Delete the word THEN on the IF statement.
B. Add a semicolon at the end of the SET statement.
C. Place quotes around the value on the IF statement.
D. Add an END statement to conclude the IF statement.
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Base SAS 13
The contents of the raw data file SIZE are listed below:
72 95
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'size';
input @1 height 2. @4 weight 2;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable WEIGHT in the output data set?
A. 2
B. 72
C. 95
D. . (missing numeric value)
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72 95
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'size';
input @1 height 2. @4 weight 2;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable WEIGHT in the output data set?
A. 2
B. 72
C. 95
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS 14
A SAS PRINT procedure output of the WORK.LEVELS data set is listed below:
Obs name level
1 Frank 1
2 Joan 2
3 Sui 2
4 Jose 3
5 Burt 4
6 Kelly .
7 Juan 1
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.expertise;
set work.levels;
if level = . then
expertise = 'Unknown';
else if level = 1 then
expertise = 'Low';
else if level = 2 or 3 then
expertise = 'Medium';
expertise = 'High';
Which of the following values does the variable EXPERTISE contain?
A. Low, Medium, and High only
B. Low, Medium, and Unknown only
C. Low, Medium, High, and Unknown only
D. Low, Medium, High, Unknown, and ' ' (missing character value)Click Comment link to get answer
Obs name level
1 Frank 1
2 Joan 2
3 Sui 2
4 Jose 3
5 Burt 4
6 Kelly .
7 Juan 1
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.expertise;
set work.levels;
if level = . then
expertise = 'Unknown';
else if level = 1 then
expertise = 'Low';
else if level = 2 or 3 then
expertise = 'Medium';
expertise = 'High';
Which of the following values does the variable EXPERTISE contain?
A. Low, Medium, and High only
B. Low, Medium, and Unknown only
C. Low, Medium, High, and Unknown only
D. Low, Medium, High, Unknown, and ' ' (missing character value)Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 15
The contents of the raw data file EMPLOYEE are listed below:
Ruth 39 11
Jose 32 22
Sue 30 33
John 40 44
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'employee';
input employee_name $ 1-4;
if employee_name = 'Ruth' then input idnum 10-11;
else input age 7-8;
Which one of the following values does the variable IDNUM contain when the name of the employee is "Ruth"?
A. 11
B. 22
C. 32
D. . (missing numeric value)
Click Comment link to get answer
Ruth 39 11
Jose 32 22
Sue 30 33
John 40 44
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'employee';
input employee_name $ 1-4;
if employee_name = 'Ruth' then input idnum 10-11;
else input age 7-8;
Which one of the following values does the variable IDNUM contain when the name of the employee is "Ruth"?
A. 11
B. 22
C. 32
D. . (missing numeric value)
Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 16
The contents of the raw data file EMPLOYEE are listed below:
Ruth 39 11
Jose 32 22
Sue 30 33
John 40 44
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'employee';
input employee_name $ 1-4;
if employee_name = 'Sue' then input age 7-8;
else input idnum 10-11;
Which one of the following values does the variable AGE contain when the name of the employee is "Sue"?
A. 30
B. 33
C. 40
D. . (missing numeric value)
Click Comment link to get answer
Ruth 39 11
Jose 32 22
Sue 30 33
John 40 44
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile 'employee';
input employee_name $ 1-4;
if employee_name = 'Sue' then input age 7-8;
else input idnum 10-11;
Which one of the following values does the variable AGE contain when the name of the employee is "Sue"?
A. 30
B. 33
C. 40
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS 17
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data test;
set sasdata.chemists;
if jobcode = 'Chem2'
then description = 'Senior Chemist';
else description = 'Unknown';
A value for the variable JOBCODE is listed below:
Which one of the following values does the variable DESCRIPTION contain?
A. Chem2
B. Unknown
C. Senior Chemist
D. ' ' (missing character value)
Click Comment link to get answer
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data test;
set sasdata.chemists;
if jobcode = 'Chem2'
then description = 'Senior Chemist';
else description = 'Unknown';
A value for the variable JOBCODE is listed below:
Which one of the following values does the variable DESCRIPTION contain?
A. Chem2
B. Unknown
C. Senior Chemist
D. ' ' (missing character value)
Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 18
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data test;
set sasdata.chemists;
if jobcode = 'chem3'
then description = 'Senior Chemist';
else description = 'Unknown';
A value for the variable JOBCODE is listed below:
Which one of the following values does the variable DESCRIPTION contain?
A. chem3
B. Unknown
C. Senior Chemist
D. ' ' (missing character value)Click Comment link to get answer
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data test;
set sasdata.chemists;
if jobcode = 'chem3'
then description = 'Senior Chemist';
else description = 'Unknown';
A value for the variable JOBCODE is listed below:
Which one of the following values does the variable DESCRIPTION contain?
A. chem3
B. Unknown
C. Senior Chemist
D. ' ' (missing character value)Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 19
Which one of the following ODS statement options terminates output being written to an HTML file?
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Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 20
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc means data =;
where product in ('Sandal' , 'Slipper' , 'Boot');
Which one of the following ODS statements completes the program and sends the report to an HTML file?
A. ods html = 'sales.html';
B. ods file = 'sales.html';
C. ods file html = 'sales.html';
D. ods html file = 'sales.html';
Click Comment link to get answer
proc means data =;
where product in ('Sandal' , 'Slipper' , 'Boot');
Which one of the following ODS statements completes the program and sends the report to an HTML file?
A. ods html = 'sales.html';
B. ods file = 'sales.html';
C. ods file html = 'sales.html';
D. ods html file = 'sales.html';
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Base SAS 21
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc format;
value score 1 - 50 = 'Fail'
51 - 100 = 'Pass';
proc report data = nowd;
column exam;
define exam / display format = score.;
The variable EXAM has a value of 50.5.
How will the EXAM variable value be displayed in the REPORT procedure output?
A. Fail
B. Pass
C. 50.5
D. . (missing numeric value)
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proc format;
value score 1 - 50 = 'Fail'
51 - 100 = 'Pass';
proc report data = nowd;
column exam;
define exam / display format = score.;
The variable EXAM has a value of 50.5.
How will the EXAM variable value be displayed in the REPORT procedure output?
A. Fail
B. Pass
C. 50.5
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS 22
The following SAS program is submitted:
options pageno = 1;
proc print data = sasuser.houses;
proc means data =;
The report created by the PRINT procedure step generates 5 pages of output.
What is the page number on the first page of the report generated by the MEANS procedure step?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 6
Click Comment link to get answer
options pageno = 1;
proc print data = sasuser.houses;
proc means data =;
The report created by the PRINT procedure step generates 5 pages of output.
What is the page number on the first page of the report generated by the MEANS procedure step?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 6
Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 23
Which one of the following SAS system options displays the time on a report?
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Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 24
Which one of the following SAS system options prevents the page number from appearing on a report?
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Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 25
The following SAS program is submitted:
footnote1 'Sales Report for Last Month';
footnote2 'Selected Products Only';
footnote3 'All Regions';
footnote4 'All Figures in Thousands of Dollars';
proc print data =;
footnote2 'All Products';
Which one of the following contains the footnote text that is displayed in the report?
A. All Products
B. Sales Report for Last Month
All Products
C. All Products
All Regions
All Figures in Thousands of Dollars
D. Sales Report for Last Month
All Products
All Regions
All Figures in Thousands of Dollars
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footnote1 'Sales Report for Last Month';
footnote2 'Selected Products Only';
footnote3 'All Regions';
footnote4 'All Figures in Thousands of Dollars';
proc print data =;
footnote2 'All Products';
Which one of the following contains the footnote text that is displayed in the report?
A. All Products
B. Sales Report for Last Month
All Products
C. All Products
All Regions
All Figures in Thousands of Dollars
D. Sales Report for Last Month
All Products
All Regions
All Figures in Thousands of Dollars
Click Comment link to get answer
Base SAS 27

proc means data = sasuser.houses std mean max;
var sqfeet;
Which one of the following is needed to display the standard deviation with only two decimal places?
A. Add the option MAXDEC = 2 to the MEANS procedure statement.
B. Add the statement MAXDEC = 7.2; in the MEANS procedure step.
C. Add the statement FORMAT STD 7.2; in the MEANS procedure step.
D. Add the option FORMAT = 7.2 option to the MEANS procedure statement.
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Base SAS 28
Unless specified, which variables and data values are used to calculate statistics in the MEANS procedure?
A. non-missing numeric variable values only
B. missing numeric variable values and non-missing numeric variable values only
C. non-missing character variables and non-missing numeric variable values only
D. missing character variables, non-missing character variables, missing numeric variable values, and non-missing numeric variable
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A. non-missing numeric variable values only
B. missing numeric variable values and non-missing numeric variable values only
C. non-missing character variables and non-missing numeric variable values only
D. missing character variables, non-missing character variables, missing numeric variable values, and non-missing numeric variable
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Base SAS 29

proc sort data = sasuser.houses out = houses;
by style;
proc print data = houses;
Click on the Exhibit button to view the report produced.
style bedrooms baths price
CONDO 2 1.5 80050
3 2.5 79350
4 2.5 127150
2 2.0 110700
RANCH 2 1.0 64000
3 3.0 86650
3 1.0 89100
1 1.0 34550
SPLIT 1 1.0 65850
4 3.0 94450
3 1.5 73650
TWOSTORY 4 3.0 107250
2 1.0 55850
2 1.0 69250
4 2.5 102950
Which of the following SAS statement(s) create(s) the report?
A. id style;
B. id style;
var style bedrooms baths price;
C. id style;
by style;
var bedrooms baths price;
D. id style;
by style;
var style bedrooms baths price;
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Base SAS 30
A realtor has two customers. One customer wants to view a list of homes selling for less than $60,000. The other customer wants
to view a list of homes selling for greater than $100,000.
Assuming the PRICE variable is numeric, which one of the following PRINT procedure steps will select all desired observations?
A. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000;
where price gt 100000;
B. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000 or price gt 100000;
C. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000 and price gt 100000;
D. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000 or where price gt 100000;
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to view a list of homes selling for greater than $100,000.
Assuming the PRICE variable is numeric, which one of the following PRINT procedure steps will select all desired observations?
A. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000;
where price gt 100000;
B. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000 or price gt 100000;
C. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000 and price gt 100000;
D. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
where price lt 60000 or where price gt 100000;
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Base SAS 31
The value 110700 is stored in a numeric variable.
Which one of the following SAS formats is used to display the value as $110,700.00 in a report?
A. comma8.2
B. comma11.2
C. dollar8.2
D. dollar11.2
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Which one of the following SAS formats is used to display the value as $110,700.00 in a report?
A. comma8.2
B. comma11.2
C. dollar8.2
D. dollar11.2
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Base SAS 32
The SAS data set SASUSER.HOUSES contains a variable PRICE which has been assigned a permanent label of "Asking Price".
Which one of the following SAS programs temporarily replaces the label "Asking Price" with the label "Sale Price" in the output?
A. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
label price = "Sale Price";
B. proc print data = sasuser.houses label;
label price "Sale Price";
C. proc print data = sasuser.houses label;
label price = "Sale Price";
D. proc print data = sasuser.houses label = "Sale Price";
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Which one of the following SAS programs temporarily replaces the label "Asking Price" with the label "Sale Price" in the output?
A. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
label price = "Sale Price";
B. proc print data = sasuser.houses label;
label price "Sale Price";
C. proc print data = sasuser.houses label;
label price = "Sale Price";
D. proc print data = sasuser.houses label = "Sale Price";
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Base SAS 33
The SAS data set BANKS is listed below:
name rate
FirstCapital 0.0718
DirectBank 0.0721
VirtualDirect 0.0728
The following SAS program is submitted:
data newbank;
do year = 1 to 3;
set banks;
capital + 5000;
Which one of the following represents how many observations and variables will exist in the SAS data set NEWBANK?
A. 0 observations and 0 variables
B. 1 observations and 4 variables
C. 3 observations and 3 variables
D. 9 observations and 2 variables
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name rate
FirstCapital 0.0718
DirectBank 0.0721
VirtualDirect 0.0728
The following SAS program is submitted:
data newbank;
do year = 1 to 3;
set banks;
capital + 5000;
Which one of the following represents how many observations and variables will exist in the SAS data set NEWBANK?
A. 0 observations and 0 variables
B. 1 observations and 4 variables
C. 3 observations and 3 variables
D. 9 observations and 2 variables
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Base SAS 34
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.clients;
calls = 6;
do while (calls le 6);
calls + 1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable CALLS in the output data set?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Click Comment link to get answer
data work.clients;
calls = 6;
do while (calls le 6);
calls + 1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable CALLS in the output data set?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
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Base SAS 35
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.pieces;
do while (n lt 6);
n + 1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable N in the output data set?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
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data work.pieces;
do while (n lt 6);
n + 1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable N in the output data set?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
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Base SAS 36
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.sales;
do year = 1 to 5;
do month = 1 to 12;
x + 1;
Which one of the following represents how many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 5
D. 60
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data work.sales;
do year = 1 to 5;
do month = 1 to 12;
x + 1;
Which one of the following represents how many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 5
D. 60
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Base SAS 37
A raw data record is listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data projectduration;
infile 'file-specification';
input date $ 1 - 10;
Which one of the following statements completes the program above and computes the duration of the project in days as of today's
A. duration = today( ) - put(date,ddmmyy10.);
B. duration = today( ) - put(date,yymmdd10.);
C. duration = today( ) - input(date,ddmmyy10.);
D. duration = today( ) - input(date,yymmdd10.);
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The following SAS program is submitted:
data projectduration;
infile 'file-specification';
input date $ 1 - 10;
Which one of the following statements completes the program above and computes the duration of the project in days as of today's
A. duration = today( ) - put(date,ddmmyy10.);
B. duration = today( ) - put(date,yymmdd10.);
C. duration = today( ) - input(date,ddmmyy10.);
D. duration = today( ) - input(date,yymmdd10.);
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Base SAS 38
A raw data record is listed below: (Question updated: underscores means blank spaces)
The following SAS program is submitted:
data bonus;
infile 'file-specification';
input dept $ 1 - 11 number 13 - 15;
Which one of the following SAS statements completes the program and results in a value of 'Printing750' for the DEPARTMENT
A. department = trim(dept) number;
B. department = dept input(number,3.);
C. department = trim(dept) || put(number,3.);
D. department = input(dept,11.) || input(number,3.);
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The following SAS program is submitted:
data bonus;
infile 'file-specification';
input dept $ 1 - 11 number 13 - 15;
Which one of the following SAS statements completes the program and results in a value of 'Printing750' for the DEPARTMENT
A. department = trim(dept) number;
B. department = dept input(number,3.);
C. department = trim(dept) || put(number,3.);
D. department = input(dept,11.) || input(number,3.);
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Base SAS 39
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.month;
date = put('13mar2000'd,ddmmyy10.);
Which one of the following represents the type and length of the variable DATE in the output data set?
A. numeric, 8 bytes
B. numeric, 10 bytes
C. character, 8 bytes
D. character, 10 bytes
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data work.month;
date = put('13mar2000'd,ddmmyy10.);
Which one of the following represents the type and length of the variable DATE in the output data set?
A. numeric, 8 bytes
B. numeric, 10 bytes
C. character, 8 bytes
D. character, 10 bytes
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Base SAS 40
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.month;
date = input('13mar2000',date9.);
Which one of the following represents the type and length of the variable DATE in the output data set?
A. numeric, 8 bytes
B. numeric, 9 bytes
C. character, 8 bytes
D. character, 9 bytes
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data work.month;
date = input('13mar2000',date9.);
Which one of the following represents the type and length of the variable DATE in the output data set?
A. numeric, 8 bytes
B. numeric, 9 bytes
C. character, 8 bytes
D. character, 9 bytes
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Base SAS 41
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.products;
Product_Number = 5461;
Item = '1001';
Item_Reference = Item'/'Product_Number;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable ITEM_REFERENCE in the output data set?
A. 1001/5461
B. 1001/ 5461
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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data work.products;
Product_Number = 5461;
Item = '1001';
Item_Reference = Item'/'Product_Number;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable ITEM_REFERENCE in the output data set?
A. 1001/5461
B. 1001/ 5461
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The value can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 42
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.retail;
cost = '20000';
total = .10 * cost;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable TOTAL in the output data set?
A. 2000
B. '2000'
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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data work.retail;
cost = '20000';
total = .10 * cost;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable TOTAL in the output data set?
A. 2000
B. '2000'
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 43
Which one of the following SAS statements correctly computes the average of four numerical values?
A. average = mean(num1 - num4);
B. average = mean(of num1 - num4);
C. average = mean(of num1 to num4);
D. average = mean(num1 num2 num3 num4);
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A. average = mean(num1 - num4);
B. average = mean(of num1 - num4);
C. average = mean(of num1 to num4);
D. average = mean(num1 num2 num3 num4);
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Base SAS 44
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
Author = 'Agatha Christie';
First = substr(scan(author,1,' ,'),1,1);
Which one of the following is the length of the variable FIRST in the output data set?
A. 1
B. 6
C. 15
D. 200
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data work.test;
Author = 'Agatha Christie';
First = substr(scan(author,1,' ,'),1,1);
Which one of the following is the length of the variable FIRST in the output data set?
A. 1
B. 6
C. 15
D. 200
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Base SAS 45
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
Author = 'Christie, Agatha';
First = substr(scan(author,2,' ,'),1,1);
Which one of the following is the value of the variable FIRST in the output data set?
A. A
B. C
C. Agatha
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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data work.test;
Author = 'Christie, Agatha';
First = substr(scan(author,2,' ,'),1,1);
Which one of the following is the value of the variable FIRST in the output data set?
A. A
B. C
C. Agatha
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 46
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
Title = 'A Tale of Two Cities, Charles J. Dickens';
Word = scan(title,3,' ,');
Which one of the following is the value of the variable WORD in the output data set?
A. T
B. of
C. Dickens
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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data work.test;
Title = 'A Tale of Two Cities, Charles J. Dickens';
Word = scan(title,3,' ,');
Which one of the following is the value of the variable WORD in the output data set?
A. T
B. of
C. Dickens
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 47
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
First = 'Ipswich, England';
City_Country = substr(First,1,7)!!', '!!'England';
Which one of the following is the length of the variable CITY_COUNTRY in the output data set?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 17
D. 25
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data work.test;
First = 'Ipswich, England';
City_Country = substr(First,1,7)!!', '!!'England';
Which one of the following is the length of the variable CITY_COUNTRY in the output data set?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 17
D. 25
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Base SAS 48
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
First = 'Ipswich, England';
City = substr(First,1,7);
City_Country = City!!', '!!'England';
Which one of the following is the value of the variable CITY_COUNTRY in the output data set?
A. Ipswich!!
B. Ipswich, England
C. Ipswich, 'England'
D. Ipswich , England
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data work.test;
First = 'Ipswich, England';
City = substr(First,1,7);
City_Country = City!!', '!!'England';
Which one of the following is the value of the variable CITY_COUNTRY in the output data set?
A. Ipswich!!
B. Ipswich, England
C. Ipswich, 'England'
D. Ipswich , England
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Base SAS 49
Which one of the following is true of the RETAIN statement in a SAS DATA step program?
A. It can be used to assign an initial value to _N_ .
B. It is only valid in conjunction with a SUM function.
C. It has no effect on variables read with the SET, MERGE and UPDATE statements.
D. It adds the value of an expression to an accumulator variable and ignores missing values.
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A. It can be used to assign an initial value to _N_ .
B. It is only valid in conjunction with a SUM function.
C. It has no effect on variables read with the SET, MERGE and UPDATE statements.
D. It adds the value of an expression to an accumulator variable and ignores missing values.
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Base SAS 50
A raw data file is listed below:
1901 2
1905 1
1910 6
1925 .
1941 1
The following SAS program is submitted and references the raw data file above:
data coins;
infile 'file-specification';
input year quantity;
Which one of the following completes the program and produces a non-missing value for the variable TOTQUANTITY in the last
observation of the output data set?
A. totquantity + quantity;
B. totquantity = sum(totquantity + quantity);
C. totquantity 0;
sum totquantity;
D. retain totquantity 0;
totquantity = totquantity + quantity;
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1901 2
1905 1
1910 6
1925 .
1941 1
The following SAS program is submitted and references the raw data file above:
data coins;
infile 'file-specification';
input year quantity;
Which one of the following completes the program and produces a non-missing value for the variable TOTQUANTITY in the last
observation of the output data set?
A. totquantity + quantity;
B. totquantity = sum(totquantity + quantity);
C. totquantity 0;
sum totquantity;
D. retain totquantity 0;
totquantity = totquantity + quantity;
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Base SAS 51
A raw data file is listed below:
squash 1.10
apples 2.25
juice 1.69
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file above:
data groceries;
infile 'file-specification';
input item $ cost;
Which one of the following completes the program and produces a grand total for all COST values?
A. grandtot = sum cost;
B. grandtot = sum(grandtot,cost);
C. retain grandtot 0;
grandtot = sum(grandtot,cost);
D. grandtot = sum(grandtot,cost);
output grandtot;
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squash 1.10
apples 2.25
juice 1.69
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file above:
data groceries;
infile 'file-specification';
input item $ cost;
Which one of the following completes the program and produces a grand total for all COST values?
A. grandtot = sum cost;
B. grandtot = sum(grandtot,cost);
C. retain grandtot 0;
grandtot = sum(grandtot,cost);
D. grandtot = sum(grandtot,cost);
output grandtot;
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Base SAS 52
The following SAS program is submitted:
set work.salary(keep = department wagerate);
by department;
if first.department then payroll = 0;
payroll + wagerate;
if last.department;
The SAS data set WORK.SALARY, currently ordered by DEPARTMENT, contains 100 observations for each of 5 departments.
Which one of the following represents how many observations the WORK.TOTAL data set contains?
A. 5
B. 20
C. 100
D. 500
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set work.salary(keep = department wagerate);
by department;
if first.department then payroll = 0;
payroll + wagerate;
if last.department;
The SAS data set WORK.SALARY, currently ordered by DEPARTMENT, contains 100 observations for each of 5 departments.
Which one of the following represents how many observations the WORK.TOTAL data set contains?
A. 5
B. 20
C. 100
D. 500
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Base SAS 53
Base SAS
The following SAS program is submitted:data;
set work.salary(keep = department wagerate);
by department;
if first.department then payroll = 0;
payroll + wagerate;
if last.department;
The SAS data set named WORK.SALARY contains 10 observations for each department, currently ordered by DEPARTMENT.
Which one of the following is true regarding the program above?
A. The BY statement in the DATA step causes a syntax error.
B. FIRST.DEPARTMENT and LAST.DEPARTMENT are variables in the WORK.TOTAL data set.
C. The values of the variable PAYROLL represent the total for each department in the WORK.SALARY data set.
D. The values of the variable PAYROLL represent a total for all values of WAGERATE in the WORK.SALARY data set.
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Base SAS 54
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data test;
set sasdata.chemists (keep = job_code);
if job_code = 'chem3'
then description = 'Senior Chemist';
The variable JOB_CODE is a character variable with a length of 6 bytes.
Which one of the following is the length of the variable DESCRIPTION in the output data set?
A. 6 bytes
B. 8 bytes
C. 14 bytes
D. 200 bytes
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libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data test;
set sasdata.chemists (keep = job_code);
if job_code = 'chem3'
then description = 'Senior Chemist';
The variable JOB_CODE is a character variable with a length of 6 bytes.
Which one of the following is the length of the variable DESCRIPTION in the output data set?
A. 6 bytes
B. 8 bytes
C. 14 bytes
D. 200 bytes
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Base SAS 55
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.accounting;
set work.dept1 work.dept2;
A character variable named JOBCODE is contained in both the WORK.DEPT1 and WORK.DEPT2 SAS data sets. The variable
JOBCODE has a length of 5 in the WORK.DEPT1 data set and a length of 7 in the WORK.DEPT2 data set.
Which one of the following is the length of the variable JOBCODE in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 8
D. 12
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data work.accounting;
set work.dept1 work.dept2;
A character variable named JOBCODE is contained in both the WORK.DEPT1 and WORK.DEPT2 SAS data sets. The variable
JOBCODE has a length of 5 in the WORK.DEPT1 data set and a length of 7 in the WORK.DEPT2 data set.
Which one of the following is the length of the variable JOBCODE in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 8
D. 12
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Base SAS 56
The following SAS DATA step is submitted:
data work.accounting;
set work.department;
length jobcode $ 12;
The WORK.DEPARTMENT SAS data set contains a character variable named JOBCODE with a length of 5.
Which one of the following is the length of the variable JOBCODE in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 8
C. 12
D. The length can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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data work.accounting;
set work.department;
length jobcode $ 12;
The WORK.DEPARTMENT SAS data set contains a character variable named JOBCODE with a length of 5.
Which one of the following is the length of the variable JOBCODE in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 8
C. 12
D. The length can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 57
Which one of the following SAS statements renames two variables?
A. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode)
(sal = salary));
B. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode
sal = salary));
C. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = jcode = jobcode
sal = salary);
D. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = (jcode jobcode)
(sal salary));
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A. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode)
(sal = salary));
B. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode
sal = salary));
C. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = jcode = jobcode
sal = salary);
D. set work.dept1
work.dept2(rename = (jcode jobcode)
(sal salary));
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Base SAS 58
The following SAS program is submitted:
set work.dept1(keep = jobcode)
work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode));
Which one of the following is the result?
A. The variable JCODE is written to the output data set.
B. The variable JOBCODE is written to the output data set.
C. Neither variable JCODE nor JOBCODE is written to the output data set.
D. The program fails to execute due to errors.
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set work.dept1(keep = jobcode)
work.dept2(rename = (jcode = jobcode));
Which one of the following is the result?
A. The variable JCODE is written to the output data set.
B. The variable JOBCODE is written to the output data set.
C. Neither variable JCODE nor JOBCODE is written to the output data set.
D. The program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 59
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.passengers;
if OrigPassengers = . then
OrigPassengers = 100;
TransPassengers = 100;
OrigPassengers = .;
NonPaying = 10;
TotalPassengers = sum (OrigPassengers, TransPassengers);
Which one of the following is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?
A. 100
B. 110
C. 200
D. . (missing numeric value)
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data work.passengers;
if OrigPassengers = . then
OrigPassengers = 100;
TransPassengers = 100;
OrigPassengers = .;
NonPaying = 10;
TotalPassengers = sum (OrigPassengers, TransPassengers);
Which one of the following is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?
A. 100
B. 110
C. 200
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS 60
The following SAS program is submitted:data work.passengers;
data work.passengers;
if OrigPassengers = . then
OrigPassengers = 100;
TransPassengers = 100;
OrigPassengers = .;
NonPaying = 10;
TotalPassengers = OrigPassengers + TransPassengers;
Which one of the following is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?
A. 100
B. 110
C. 200
D. . (missing numeric value)
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data work.passengers;
if OrigPassengers = . then
OrigPassengers = 100;
TransPassengers = 100;
OrigPassengers = .;
NonPaying = 10;
TotalPassengers = OrigPassengers + TransPassengers;
Which one of the following is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?
A. 100
B. 110
C. 200
D. . (missing numeric value)
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Base SAS 61
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.staff;
JobCategory = 'FA';
JobLevel = '1';
JobCategory = JobCategory || JobLevel;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable JOBCATEGORY in the output data set?
B. FA1
C. FA 1
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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data work.staff;
JobCategory = 'FA';
JobLevel = '1';
JobCategory = JobCategory || JobLevel;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable JOBCATEGORY in the output data set?
B. FA1
C. FA 1
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 62
The following SAS program is submitted:
x = 3;
y = 2;
z = x ** y;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable Z in the output data set?
A. 6
B. 9
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The program fails to execute due to errors.
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x = 3;
y = 2;
z = x ** y;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable Z in the output data set?
A. 6
B. 9
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. The program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 63
The SAS data set named WORK.TEST is listed below:
capacity airplanetype staff
150 Large 10
Which one of the following SAS programs created this data set?
A. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then
airplanetype = 'Large' and staff = 10;
else airplanetype = 'Small' and staff = 5;
B. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then
airplanetype = 'Large';
staff = 10;
airplanetype = 'Small';
staff = 5;
C. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then
airplanetype = 'Large';
staff = 10;
airplanetype = 'Small';
staff = 5;
D. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then;
airplanetype = 'Small';
staff = 5;
airplanetype = 'Large';
staff = 10;
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capacity airplanetype staff
150 Large 10
Which one of the following SAS programs created this data set?
A. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then
airplanetype = 'Large' and staff = 10;
else airplanetype = 'Small' and staff = 5;
B. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then
airplanetype = 'Large';
staff = 10;
airplanetype = 'Small';
staff = 5;
C. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then
airplanetype = 'Large';
staff = 10;
airplanetype = 'Small';
staff = 5;
D. data work.test;
capacity = 150;
if 100 le capacity le 200 then;
airplanetype = 'Small';
staff = 5;
airplanetype = 'Large';
staff = 10;
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Base SAS 64
The following SAS program is submitted:
destination = 'cph';
when('LHR') city = 'London';
when('CPH') city = 'Copenhagen';
otherwise city = 'Other';
Which one of the following is the value of the CITY variable?
A. Other
B. Copenh
C. Copenhagen
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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destination = 'cph';
when('LHR') city = 'London';
when('CPH') city = 'Copenhagen';
otherwise city = 'Other';
Which one of the following is the value of the CITY variable?
A. Other
B. Copenh
C. Copenhagen
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 65
The following SAS program is submitted:
destination = 'CPH';
when('LHR') city = 'London';
when('CPH') city = 'Copenhagen';
Which one of the following is the value of the CITY variable?
A. London
B. Copenh
C. Copenhagen
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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destination = 'CPH';
when('LHR') city = 'London';
when('CPH') city = 'Copenhagen';
Which one of the following is the value of the CITY variable?
A. London
B. Copenh
C. Copenhagen
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 66
The following SAS program is submitted:
length word $7;
amount = 4;
if amount = 4 then word = 'FOUR';
else if amount = 7 then word = 'SEVEN';
else word = 'NONE!!!';
amount = 7;
Which one of the following represents the values of the AMOUNT and WORD variables?
A. amount word
B. amount word
C. amount word
D. amount word
4 ' ' (missing character value)
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length word $7;
amount = 4;
if amount = 4 then word = 'FOUR';
else if amount = 7 then word = 'SEVEN';
else word = 'NONE!!!';
amount = 7;
Which one of the following represents the values of the AMOUNT and WORD variables?
A. amount word
B. amount word
C. amount word
D. amount word
4 ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 67
The SAS data set EMPLOYEE_INFO is listed below:
IDNumber Expenses
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = employee_info;
Which one of the following BY statements completes the program and sorts the data sequentially by descending expense values within
each descending IDNUMBER value?
A. by descending IDNumber Expenses;
B. by (IDNumber Expenses) descending;
C. by IDNumber descending Expenses descending;
D. by descending IDNumber descending Expenses;
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IDNumber Expenses
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = employee_info;
Which one of the following BY statements completes the program and sorts the data sequentially by descending expense values within
each descending IDNUMBER value?
A. by descending IDNumber Expenses;
B. by (IDNumber Expenses) descending;
C. by IDNumber descending Expenses descending;
D. by descending IDNumber descending Expenses;
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Base SAS 68
The SAS data set QTR1_REVENUE is listed below:
destination revenue
YYZ 53634
FRA 62129
FRA 75962
RDU 76254
YYZ 82174
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = qtr1_revenue;
by destination descending revenue;
Which one of the following represents the first observation in the output data set?
A. destination revenue
YYZ 82174
B. destination revenue
YYZ 53634
C. destination revenue
FRA 62129
D. destination revenue
FRA 75962
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destination revenue
YYZ 53634
FRA 62129
FRA 75962
RDU 76254
YYZ 82174
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = qtr1_revenue;
by destination descending revenue;
Which one of the following represents the first observation in the output data set?
A. destination revenue
YYZ 82174
B. destination revenue
YYZ 53634
C. destination revenue
FRA 62129
D. destination revenue
FRA 75962
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Base SAS 69
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname company 'SAS-data-library';
proc sort data = company.payroll;
by EmployeeIDNumber;
Write access has been granted to the COMPANY library.
Which one of the following represents how the observations are sorted?
A. COMPANY.PAYROLL is recreated in sorted order by EmployeeIDNumber.
B. COMPANY.PAYROLL is stored in original order, and a new data set PAYROLL is created in sorted order by
C. COMPANY.PAYROLL is stored in original order, and a new data set COMPANY.PAYROLLSORTED is created in sorted order
by EmployeeIDNumber.
D. COMPANY.PAYROLL is recreated in sorted order by EmployeeIDNumber, and a new data set PAYROLL is created in sorted
order by EmployeeIDNumber.
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libname company 'SAS-data-library';
proc sort data = company.payroll;
by EmployeeIDNumber;
Write access has been granted to the COMPANY library.
Which one of the following represents how the observations are sorted?
A. COMPANY.PAYROLL is recreated in sorted order by EmployeeIDNumber.
B. COMPANY.PAYROLL is stored in original order, and a new data set PAYROLL is created in sorted order by
C. COMPANY.PAYROLL is stored in original order, and a new data set COMPANY.PAYROLLSORTED is created in sorted order
by EmployeeIDNumber.
D. COMPANY.PAYROLL is recreated in sorted order by EmployeeIDNumber, and a new data set PAYROLL is created in sorted
order by EmployeeIDNumber.
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Base SAS 70
The SAS data set EMPLOYEE_INFO is listed below:
IDNumber Expenses
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = employee_info;
Which one of the following BY statements completes the program and sorts the data sequentially by ascending expense values within
each ascending IDNUMBER value?
A. by Expenses IDNumber;
B. by IDNumber Expenses;
C. by ascending (IDNumber Expenses);
D. by ascending IDNumber ascending Expenses;
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IDNumber Expenses
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = employee_info;
Which one of the following BY statements completes the program and sorts the data sequentially by ascending expense values within
each ascending IDNUMBER value?
A. by Expenses IDNumber;
B. by IDNumber Expenses;
C. by ascending (IDNumber Expenses);
D. by ascending IDNumber ascending Expenses;
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Base SAS 71
The SAS data set WORK.AWARDS is listed below:
fname points
Amy 2
Amy 1
Gerard 3
Wang 3
Wang 1
Wang 2
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = work.awards;
by descending fname points;
Which one of the following represents how the observations are sorted?
A. Wang 3
Gerard 3
Wang 2
Amy 2
Wang 1
Amy 1
B. Wang 3
Wang 2
Wang 1
Gerard 3
Amy 2
Amy 1
C. Wang 3
Wang 1
Wang 2
Gerard 3
Amy 2
Amy 1
D. Wang 1
Wang 2
Wang 3
Gerard 3
Amy 1
Amy 2
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fname points
Amy 2
Amy 1
Gerard 3
Wang 3
Wang 1
Wang 2
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = work.awards;
by descending fname points;
Which one of the following represents how the observations are sorted?
A. Wang 3
Gerard 3
Wang 2
Amy 2
Wang 1
Amy 1
B. Wang 3
Wang 2
Wang 1
Gerard 3
Amy 2
Amy 1
C. Wang 3
Wang 1
Wang 2
Gerard 3
Amy 2
Amy 1
D. Wang 1
Wang 2
Wang 3
Gerard 3
Amy 1
Amy 2
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Base SAS 72
The observations in the SAS data set WORK.TEST are ordered by the values of the variable SALARY.
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = work.test out = work.testsorted;
by name;
Which one of the following is the result of the SAS program?
A. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in ascending order by values of the NAME variable.
B. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in descending order by values of the NAME variable.
C. The data set WORK.TESTSORTED is stored in ascending order by values of the NAME variable.
D. The data set WORK.TESTSORTED is stored in descending order by values of the NAME variable.
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The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = work.test out = work.testsorted;
by name;
Which one of the following is the result of the SAS program?
A. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in ascending order by values of the NAME variable.
B. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in descending order by values of the NAME variable.
C. The data set WORK.TESTSORTED is stored in ascending order by values of the NAME variable.
D. The data set WORK.TESTSORTED is stored in descending order by values of the NAME variable.
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Base SAS 73
Which one of the following statements is true regarding the name of a SAS array?
A. It is saved with the data set.
B. It can be used in procedures.
C. It exists only for the duration of the DATA step.
D. It can be the same as the name of a variable in the data set.
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A. It is saved with the data set.
B. It can be used in procedures.
C. It exists only for the duration of the DATA step.
D. It can be the same as the name of a variable in the data set.
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Base SAS 74
The following SAS program is submitted:
data stats;
set revenue;
array weekly{5} mon tue wed thu fri;
total = weekly{i} * .25;
Which one of the following DO statements completes the program and processes the elements of the WEEKLY array?
A. do i = 1 to 5;
B. do weekly{i} = 1 to 5;
C. do i = mon tue wed thu fri;
D. A DO loop cannot be used because the variables referenced do not end in a digit.
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data stats;
set revenue;
array weekly{5} mon tue wed thu fri;
total = weekly{i} * .25;
Which one of the following DO statements completes the program and processes the elements of the WEEKLY array?
A. do i = 1 to 5;
B. do weekly{i} = 1 to 5;
C. do i = mon tue wed thu fri;
D. A DO loop cannot be used because the variables referenced do not end in a digit.
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Base SAS 75
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
array agents{4} $ 12 sales1 - sales4;
Which one of the following represents the variables that are contained in the output data set?
C. None, the DATA step fails because the ARRAY statement can reference only numeric data.
D. None, the DATA step fails because the ARRAY statement can reference only pre-existing variables.
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data work.test;
array agents{4} $ 12 sales1 - sales4;
Which one of the following represents the variables that are contained in the output data set?
C. None, the DATA step fails because the ARRAY statement can reference only numeric data.
D. None, the DATA step fails because the ARRAY statement can reference only pre-existing variables.
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Base SAS 76
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
set work.staff (keep = jansales febsales marsales);
array diff_sales{3} difsales1 - difsales3;
array monthly{3} jansales febsales marsales;
Which one of the following represents the new variables that are created?
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data work.test;
set work.staff (keep = jansales febsales marsales);
array diff_sales{3} difsales1 - difsales3;
array monthly{3} jansales febsales marsales;
Which one of the following represents the new variables that are created?
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Base SAS 77
On which portion(s) of a SAS data set does the PRINT procedure report?
A. the data portion only
B. the descriptor portion only
C. the descriptor portion and the data portion
D. neither the data portion nor the descriptor portion
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A. the data portion only
B. the descriptor portion only
C. the descriptor portion and the data portion
D. neither the data portion nor the descriptor portion
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Base SAS 78
Which one of the following SAS procedures displays the data portion of a SAS data set?
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Base SAS 79
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc datasets lib = sasuser;
contents data = class varnum;
Which one of the following is the purpose of the VARNUM option?
A. to print a list of variable names
B. to print the total number of variables
C. to print a list of the variables in alphabetic order
D. to print a list of the variables in the order they were created
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proc datasets lib = sasuser;
contents data = class varnum;
Which one of the following is the purpose of the VARNUM option?
A. to print a list of variable names
B. to print the total number of variables
C. to print a list of the variables in alphabetic order
D. to print a list of the variables in the order they were created
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Base SAS 80
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data = sasuser.airplanes;
Which one of the following is produced as output?
A. the data portion of every data set in the SASUSER library
B. the data portion of the data set SASUSER.AIRPLANES only
C. the descriptor portion of every data set in the SASUSER library
D. the descriptor portion of the data set SASUSER.AIRPLANES only
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proc contents data = sasuser.airplanes;
Which one of the following is produced as output?
A. the data portion of every data set in the SASUSER library
B. the data portion of the data set SASUSER.AIRPLANES only
C. the descriptor portion of every data set in the SASUSER library
D. the descriptor portion of the data set SASUSER.AIRPLANES only
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Base SAS 81
A raw data file is listed below:
John McCloskey 35 71
June Rosesette 10 43
Tineke Jones 9 37
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data work.homework;
infile 'file-specification';
input name $ age height;
if age LE 10;
How many observations will the WORK.HOMEWORK data set contain?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 3
D. No data set is created as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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John McCloskey 35 71
June Rosesette 10 43
Tineke Jones 9 37
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data work.homework;
infile 'file-specification';
input name $ age height;
if age LE 10;
How many observations will the WORK.HOMEWORK data set contain?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 3
D. No data set is created as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 82
The SASDATA.BANKS data set has five observations when the following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data allobs;
set sasdata.banks;
do year = 2000 to 2020 by 5;
capital + ((capital+2000) * rate);
How many observations will the ALLOBS data set contain?
A. 5
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
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libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data allobs;
set sasdata.banks;
do year = 2000 to 2020 by 5;
capital + ((capital+2000) * rate);
How many observations will the ALLOBS data set contain?
A. 5
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
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Base SAS 83
The SAS data set named COMPANY.PRICES is listed below:
prodid price producttype sales returns
K12S 5.10 NETWORK 15 2
B132S 2.34 HARDWARE 300 10
R18KY2 1.29 SOFTWARE 25 5
3KL8BY 6.37 HARDWARE 125 15
DY65DW 5.60 HARDWARE 45 5
DGTY23 4.55 HARDWARE 67 2
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname company 'SAS-data-library';
data hware inter soft;
set company.prices (keep = producttype price);
if price le 5.00;
if producttype = 'HARDWARE' then output HWARE;
else if producttype = 'NETWORK' then output INTER;
else if producttype = 'SOFTWARE' then output SOFT;
How many observations does the HWARE data set contain?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
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prodid price producttype sales returns
K12S 5.10 NETWORK 15 2
B132S 2.34 HARDWARE 300 10
R18KY2 1.29 SOFTWARE 25 5
3KL8BY 6.37 HARDWARE 125 15
DY65DW 5.60 HARDWARE 45 5
DGTY23 4.55 HARDWARE 67 2
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname company 'SAS-data-library';
data hware inter soft;
set company.prices (keep = producttype price);
if price le 5.00;
if producttype = 'HARDWARE' then output HWARE;
else if producttype = 'NETWORK' then output INTER;
else if producttype = 'SOFTWARE' then output SOFT;
How many observations does the HWARE data set contain?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
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Base SAS 84
The following SAS program is submitted:
data allobs;
set sasdata.origin (firstobs = 75 obs = 499);
The SAS data set SASDATA.ORIGIN contains 1000 observations.
How many observations does the ALLOBS data set contain?
A. 424
B. 425
C. 499
D. 1000
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data allobs;
set sasdata.origin (firstobs = 75 obs = 499);
The SAS data set SASDATA.ORIGIN contains 1000 observations.
How many observations does the ALLOBS data set contain?
A. 424
B. 425
C. 499
D. 1000
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Base SAS 85
The following SAS program is submitted:
data _null_;
set old (keep = prod sales1 sales2);
file 'file-specification';
put sales1 sales2;
Which one of the following default delimiters separates the fields in the raw data file created?
A. : (colon)
B. (space)
C. , (comma)
D. ; (semicolon)
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data _null_;
set old (keep = prod sales1 sales2);
file 'file-specification';
put sales1 sales2;
Which one of the following default delimiters separates the fields in the raw data file created?
A. : (colon)
B. (space)
C. , (comma)
D. ; (semicolon)
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Base SAS 86
The following SAS program is submitted:
data _null_;
set old;
put sales1 sales2;
Where is the output written?
A. the SAS log
B. the raw data file that was opened last
C. the SAS output window or an output file
D. the data set mentioned in the DATA statement
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data _null_;
set old;
put sales1 sales2;
Where is the output written?
A. the SAS log
B. the raw data file that was opened last
C. the SAS output window or an output file
D. the data set mentioned in the DATA statement
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Base SAS 87
The contents of the raw data file TEAM are listed below:
Janice 10
Henri 11
Michael 11
Susan 12
The following SAS program is submitted:
data group;
infile 'team';
input name $15. age 2.;
file 'file-specification';
put name $15. +5 age 2.;
Which one of the following describes the output created?
A. a raw data file only
B. a SAS data set named GROUP only
C. a SAS data set named GROUP and a raw data file
D. No output is generated as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Janice 10
Henri 11
Michael 11
Susan 12
The following SAS program is submitted:
data group;
infile 'team';
input name $15. age 2.;
file 'file-specification';
put name $15. +5 age 2.;
Which one of the following describes the output created?
A. a raw data file only
B. a SAS data set named GROUP only
C. a SAS data set named GROUP and a raw data file
D. No output is generated as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 88
The contents of the SAS data set named PERM.STUDENTS are listed below:
name age
Alfred 14
Alice 13
Barbara 13
Carol 14
The following SAS program is submitted using the PERM.STUDENTS data set as input:
libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data students;
set perm.students;
file 'file-specification';
put name $15. @5 age 2.;
Which one of the following represents the values written to the output raw data file?
A. --------10-------20-------30
Alfred 14
Alice 13
Barbara 13
Carol 14
B. --------10-------20-------30
C. --------10-------20-------30
D. --------10-------20-------30
Alfred 14
Alice 13
Barbara 13
Carol 14
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name age
Alfred 14
Alice 13
Barbara 13
Carol 14
The following SAS program is submitted using the PERM.STUDENTS data set as input:
libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data students;
set perm.students;
file 'file-specification';
put name $15. @5 age 2.;
Which one of the following represents the values written to the output raw data file?
A. --------10-------20-------30
Alfred 14
Alice 13
Barbara 13
Carol 14
B. --------10-------20-------30
C. --------10-------20-------30
D. --------10-------20-------30
Alfred 14
Alice 13
Barbara 13
Carol 14
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Base SAS 89
The contents of the SAS data set PERM.JAN_SALES are listed below:
idnum character variable
sales_date numeric date value
A comma delimited raw data file needs to be created from the PERM.JAN_SALES data set. The SALES_DATE values need to be in
a MMDDYY10 form.
Which one of the following SAS DATA steps correctly creates this raw data file?
A. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification' dsd = ',';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10.;
B. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification' dlm = ',';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10.;
C. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10. dlm = ',';
D. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10. dsd = ',';
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idnum character variable
sales_date numeric date value
A comma delimited raw data file needs to be created from the PERM.JAN_SALES data set. The SALES_DATE values need to be in
a MMDDYY10 form.
Which one of the following SAS DATA steps correctly creates this raw data file?
A. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification' dsd = ',';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10.;
B. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification' dlm = ',';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10.;
C. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10. dlm = ',';
D. libname perm 'SAS-data-library';
data _null_;
set perm.jan_sales;
file 'file-specification';
put idnum sales_date : mmddyy10. dsd = ',';
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Base SAS 90
A raw data record is shown below:
Which one of the following informats would read this value and store it as a SAS date value?
A. date9.
B. ddmonyy9.
C. ddMMMyy9.
D. ddmmmyyyy9.
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Which one of the following informats would read this value and store it as a SAS date value?
A. date9.
B. ddmonyy9.
C. ddMMMyy9.
D. ddmmmyyyy9.
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Base SAS 91
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname temp 'SAS-data-library';
format newdate mmddyy10.;
qdate = qtr(newdate);
ddate = weekday(newdate);
proc print data =;
The variable NEWDATE contains the SAS date value for April 15, 2000.
What output is produced if April 15, 2000 falls on a Saturday?
A. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 APR152000 2 6
B. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 04/15/2000 2 6
C. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 APR152000 2 7
D. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 04/15/2000 2 7
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libname temp 'SAS-data-library';
format newdate mmddyy10.;
qdate = qtr(newdate);
ddate = weekday(newdate);
proc print data =;
The variable NEWDATE contains the SAS date value for April 15, 2000.
What output is produced if April 15, 2000 falls on a Saturday?
A. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 APR152000 2 6
B. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 04/15/2000 2 6
C. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 APR152000 2 7
D. Obs newdate qdate ddate
1 04/15/2000 2 7
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Base SAS 92
The following SAS program is submitted:
set work.sales_info;
if qtr(sales_date) ge 3;
The SAS data set WORK.SALES_INFO has one observation for each month in the year 2000 and the variable SALES_DATE which
contains a SAS date value for each of the twelve months.
How many of the original twelve observations in WORK.SALES_INFO are written to the WORK.REPORT data set?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9
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set work.sales_info;
if qtr(sales_date) ge 3;
The SAS data set WORK.SALES_INFO has one observation for each month in the year 2000 and the variable SALES_DATE which
contains a SAS date value for each of the twelve months.
How many of the original twelve observations in WORK.SALES_INFO are written to the WORK.REPORT data set?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9
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Base SAS 93
The following SAS program is submitted:
data revenue;
set year_1;
var1 = mdy(1,15,1960);
Which one of the following values does the variable named VAR1 contain?
A. 14
B. 15
C. 1151960
D. '1/15/1960'
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data revenue;
set year_1;
var1 = mdy(1,15,1960);
Which one of the following values does the variable named VAR1 contain?
A. 14
B. 15
C. 1151960
D. '1/15/1960'
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Base SAS 94
The following SAS program is submitted:
mon = 3;
day = 23;
year = 2000;
date = mdy(mon,day,year);
Which one of the following is the value of the DATE variable?
A. a character string with the value '23mar2000'
B. a character string with the value '03/23/2000'
C. a numeric value of 14692, which represents the SAS date value for March 23, 2000
D. a numeric value of 3232000, which represents the SAS date value for March 23, 2000
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mon = 3;
day = 23;
year = 2000;
date = mdy(mon,day,year);
Which one of the following is the value of the DATE variable?
A. a character string with the value '23mar2000'
B. a character string with the value '03/23/2000'
C. a numeric value of 14692, which represents the SAS date value for March 23, 2000
D. a numeric value of 3232000, which represents the SAS date value for March 23, 2000
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Base SAS 95
The following SAS DATA step executes on Monday, April 25, 2000:
data newstaff;
set staff;
start_date = today();
Which one of the following is the value of the variable START_DATE in the output data set?
A. a character string with the value '04/25/2000'
B. a character string with the value 'Monday, April 25, 2000'
C. the numeric value 14725, representing the SAS date for April 25, 2000
D. the numeric value 04252000, representing the SAS date for April 25, 2000
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data newstaff;
set staff;
start_date = today();
Which one of the following is the value of the variable START_DATE in the output data set?
A. a character string with the value '04/25/2000'
B. a character string with the value 'Monday, April 25, 2000'
C. the numeric value 14725, representing the SAS date for April 25, 2000
D. the numeric value 04252000, representing the SAS date for April 25, 2000
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Base SAS 96
The following SAS DATA step is submitted:
data sasdata.atlanta
set company.prdsales;
if region = 'NE' then output boston;
if region = 'SE' then output atlanta;
if region = 'SW' then output phoenix;
if region = 'NW' then output portland;
Which one of the following is true regarding the output data sets?
A. No library references are required.
B. The data sets listed on all the IF statements require a library reference.
C. The data sets listed in the last two IF statements require a library reference.
D. The data sets listed in the first two IF statements require a library reference.
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data sasdata.atlanta
set company.prdsales;
if region = 'NE' then output boston;
if region = 'SE' then output atlanta;
if region = 'SW' then output phoenix;
if region = 'NW' then output portland;
Which one of the following is true regarding the output data sets?
A. No library references are required.
B. The data sets listed on all the IF statements require a library reference.
C. The data sets listed in the last two IF statements require a library reference.
D. The data sets listed in the first two IF statements require a library reference.
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Base SAS 97
Which one of the following SAS DATA steps saves the temporary data set named MYDATA as a permanent data set?
A. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
copy mydata;
B. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
keep mydata;
C. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
save mydata;
D. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
set mydata;
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A. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
copy mydata;
B. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
keep mydata;
C. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
save mydata;
D. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.mydata;
set mydata;
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Base SAS 98
The following SAS DATA step is submitted:
libname temp 'SAS-data-library';
set sasuser.houses;
newvar = price * 1.04;
Which one of the following statements is true regarding the program above?
A. The program is reading from a temporary data set and writing to a temporary data set.
B. The program is reading from a temporary data set and writing to a permanent data set.
C. The program is reading from a permanent data set and writing to a temporary data set.
D. The program is reading from a permanent data set and writing to a permanent data set.
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libname temp 'SAS-data-library';
set sasuser.houses;
newvar = price * 1.04;
Which one of the following statements is true regarding the program above?
A. The program is reading from a temporary data set and writing to a temporary data set.
B. The program is reading from a temporary data set and writing to a permanent data set.
C. The program is reading from a permanent data set and writing to a temporary data set.
D. The program is reading from a permanent data set and writing to a permanent data set.
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Base SAS 99
The following SAS SORT procedure step generates an output data set:
proc sort data = sasuser.houses out = report;
by style;
In which library is the output data set stored?
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proc sort data = sasuser.houses out = report;
by style;
In which library is the output data set stored?
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