
SAS Learning Platform

Base SAS 83

The SAS data set named COMPANY.PRICES is listed below:
prodid price producttype sales returns
K12S 5.10 NETWORK 15 2
B132S 2.34 HARDWARE 300 10
R18KY2 1.29 SOFTWARE 25 5
3KL8BY 6.37 HARDWARE 125 15
DY65DW 5.60 HARDWARE 45 5
DGTY23 4.55 HARDWARE 67 2
The following SAS program is submitted:
libname company 'SAS-data-library';
data hware inter soft;
set company.prices (keep = producttype price);
if price le 5.00;
if producttype = 'HARDWARE' then output HWARE;
else if producttype = 'NETWORK' then output INTER;
else if producttype = 'SOFTWARE' then output SOFT;
How many observations does the HWARE data set contain?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
Click Comment link to get answer


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    if price le 5.00;

    So the Ans is B

    Obs price producttype
    1 2.34 HARDWARE
    2 4.55 HARDWARE

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    can some one please explain in detail why it is B.

  3. Following three observation satisfy condition if price le 5.
    B132S 2.34 HARDWARE 300 10
    R18KY2 1.29 SOFTWARE 25 5
    DGTY23 4.55 HARDWARE 67 2
    Out of the above 3 observation only 2 observation have producttype = 'HARDWARE', so number of observation in HWARE is 2, hence answer is B.

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

    A -- the else, if statements must end with an else statement

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I have seen many stupid comments in this blog but the one right above beats them all

    1. I have seen many hilarious posts in this blog but yours one beats them all :) :D

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    True. The dudes high on something.

  7. If we do not close loop for iF statement than it will not give any result.

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Is it open?

  9. Anonymous1:40 PM


  10. Anonymous5:31 AM

    data test;
    input prodid $ price producttype $ sales returns;
    K12S 5.10 NETWORK 15 2
    B132S 2.34 HARDWARE 300 10
    R18KY2 1.29 SOFTWARE 25 5
    3KL8BY 6.37 HARDWARE 125 15
    DY65DW 5.60 HARDWARE 45 5
    DGTY23 4.55 HARDWARE 67 2

    data hware inter soft;
    set test;
    if price le 5.00;
    if producttype = 'HARDWARE' then output HWARE;
    else if producttype = 'NETWORK' then output INTER;
    else if producttype = 'SOFTWARE' then output SOFT;

    proc print data=hware; run;

    try it and you'll see that the answer is B for sur! there isn't any problem of "closing the IF ELSE statment !!"

    ps: sorry for my english

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      if price le 5.00; is an if sub-setting statement in this case

  11. priyanka12:56 AM

    ans is B.

    there is no need to close an IF\THEN statement.
    its compulsory to close a DO statement.
    the above program posted by anonymous is correct.

  12. data ganesh.company_prices;
    input @1 prodid $ @8 price 4.2 @13 producttype $9. @23 sales 3. @27 returns 2.;
    format price 4.2;
    K12S 5.10 NETWORK 15 2
    B132S 2.34 HARDWARE 300 10
    R18KY2 1.29 SOFTWARE 25 5
    3KL8BY 6.37 HARDWARE 125 15
    DY65DW 5.60 HARDWARE 45 5
    DGTY23 4.55 HARDWARE 67 2

    data company_prices;
    set ganesh.company_prices;
    if price le 5.00;
    if producttype = 'HARDWARE' then output = 'HWARE';
    else if producttype = 'NETWORK' then output = 'INTER';
    else if producttype = 'SOFTWARE' then output = 'SOFT';

    This syntax will give you 2 observation for Hardware and one for software;
    so B seems to be the correct answer. The question is output = 'SOFT' or output SOFT which one is correct; with output SOFT is giving errors.

  13. Anonymous8:58 PM

    If two IF statements change the position each other, then what happened? why do sas data set HWARE have 4obs?

    1. Hware output takes 4 observations from hardware productype prior to 'if price' statement has run

  14. actually there should be 3 observations as price is le 5. price 5 also should be considered. but we donot have that option.

  15. How does the presence of ELSE statements affect the results ? Do we ignore any condition in ELSE in this case?

  16. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Informative and helpful Article. Really good work. Appreciate it. You might be looking for Sales Order Management in Bangalore
